第一次听说这话,是从我一位智商偏低得近乎弱智的师史口中冒出来的。 那时我们才十几岁,刚刚喘上社会主义的铁饭碗,意气风发、斗志昂扬,整天沉浸在美好生活的幸福之中。在那个文化生活贪乏的时代、弱智的师兄成了我们一架开心的游戏机,一言一行都那么富有乐趣。 师兄一口道地的合肥郊区口音,“Z、C、S”分下清界线,因智商问题影响口齿的正常发挥,说出话来含混不清,常常引起意外的歧义,更加滑稽可笑。越是语言有障碍的人,话却越是格外地多。我们的笑声也因此而无穷无尽。在师兄的话语词典里,“母鸡”说成“母资”,“夫妻”念成“夫雌”,“洗手、洗澡”变成“死首、死早”,“司机”说更加拗口,成了“次滋”。
The first time I heard these words came out of the mouth of an historian who was mentally retarded with a low IQ. At that time, when we were teenagers, we just breathe the iron rice bowl for socialism. We are full of high-spirited and high-spirited people and are immersed in the happiness of a better life. In that era of greed of cultural life, mentally handicapped brothers have become our happy game machines, every word and action are so fun. Hear the suburbs of Hefei accent, “Z, C, S” sub-divided line, due to the IQ issue affect the normal play, speaking ambiguous, often cause unexpected ambiguity, even more funny. The more people who have language barriers, the more they are especially speaking. Our laughter is endless as well. In the sibling discourse dictionary, “hen” is said to be “mother-capital”, “husband and wife” is read as “husband and wife”, “hand washing and bathing” Became “second AIDS.”