20年前的唐山大地震,曾引起世人瞩目。20年后,谁人不想了解唐山的变化?唐山人的风采?因此,搞好纪念唐山抗震20周年的各项报道,具有重大的现实意义和历史意义。 我台主要围绕以下三个方面进行宣传报道。 (1) 大力弘扬“公而忘私,患难与共,百折不挠,勇往直前”的抗震精神。 这种精神,是唐山人民同巨大的自然灾害进行斗争的真实写照,也是唐山人民精神风貌的精
Twenty years ago, the Tangshan earthquake, has attracted worldwide attention. After 20 years, who do not want to understand the changes in Tangshan? Tangshan style? Therefore, do a good job in commemoration of the 20th anniversary of Tangshan Earthquake all reports, with great practical significance and historical significance. My main focus on the following three aspects of publicity coverage. (1) vigorously promote the “public and private, sharing of hardships, perseverance, courage” earthquake-resistant spirit. This spirit is a true portrayal of the people in Tangshan in their struggle against the great natural disasters and the essence of Tangshan people’s spirit