立冬才过,贵州省剑河县南哨乡高定村各户的麦地还来开犁,军属姜子银就提前从外村雇来一位中年汉子为他犁地了。他的那块麦地,几年来都是村里的几位民兵帮他义务耕种;今年,他不想再麻烦小伙子们了。 谁知那位汉子到地里转悠了一下回来告诉他,麦地已犁过了。 姜大爷先愣后悟:“又是村里民兵!”他首先想到的是指导员(支部书记)杨义华。每到春耕、夏、秋收和冬种季节,杨指导员都要来检查他的田土,看看肥料够了不够,选的是不是良种
Before winter, winter in Jianhe County, Guizhou Province, sentinel township high village Dingmou also plowed, army Jiang Zijin hired earlier from the outer village of a middle-aged man for his plowing. His piece of cornfield, for several years now, has been helped by several militias in the village; he did not want to bother the boys this year. Who knows that man wandering around to the ground back to tell him that the wheat has been plowed. Jiang uncle uncle after enlightenment: “It is the village militia!” He first thought is the instructor (branch secretary) Yang Yihua. Every spring, summer, autumn harvest and winter season, Yang instructor must come to check his field, see enough fertilizer enough, the election is not a good seed