1 都说孩子是联系父母关系的纽带,是男女爱情的结晶。可自从种下这颗爱的种子,热恋中的男女们就从此不得不度过一段禁欲的生活。我和丈夫可以说是闪婚。不承想我们的宝宝很快继承了我们的禀性,结婚当月就在我的腹中悄然安营了。我们这两只可怜的蜜蜂刚刚闯进怒放的性爱花园,就被这个不期而至的小东西警告说:“喂!你们俩,不准在此过度采蜜!”试纸显示两格:可能怀孕。将信将疑中,丈夫照样拥我入怀,照样流连于胸前
1 said that children are ties to the relationship between parents, is the crystallization of love between men and women. Since the seeds of this love can be planted, the men and women in love have had to spend a period of ascetic life. My husband and I can say it is a flash marriage. Do not expect our baby will soon inherit our intrinsic qualities, the wedding month quietly camp in my belly. The two poor bees just broke into the bloody garden of love and were warned by this unexpected little thing: “Hey! Both of you are not allowed to over-harvest honey!” The test strip shows two compartments: May be pregnant. Suspicion of the letter, the husband hugged me into the arms, still hang around the chest