以江泽民同志为核心的党的第三代领导人在世纪之交提出以德治国 ,强调依法治国与以德治国相结合 ,从历史与现实的高度 ,丰富和发展了马克思主义民主政治学说和邓小平同志关于“两手抓 ,两手都要硬”的思想。进入新的世纪 ,深入学习以德治国思想 ,对于新形势下的社会主义精神文明建设、社会主义民主政治建设和党风廉政建设 ,将起着极大的推动作用。
At the turn of the century, the third generation of leaders of the party with Comrade Jiang Zemin as the core proposed to govern the country by virtue, emphasizing the combination of governing the country according to law and administering the country with virtue, and enriched and developed the doctrine of Marxist democratic politics and Deng Xiaoping from the perspective of history and reality Comrade on the “two hands grasp, both hands should be hard” thinking. Entering the new century and studying in depth the ideology of governing the country with morality will play a significant role in promoting the socialist spiritual civilization and the construction of a socialist democratic politics and in building a clean government in the new situation.