毛泽东在《湖南农民运动考察报告》中有这样一段话: 我在乡里也曾向农民宣传破除迷信。我的话是: “信八字望走好运,信风水望坟山贯气。今年几个月光景,土豪劣绅贪官污吏一齐倒台了。难道这几个月以前土豪劣绅贪官污吏还大家走好运,大家坟山都贯气,这几个月忽然大家走坏运,坟山也一齐不贯气了吗?土豪劣绅形容你们农会的话是:‘巧得很啰,如今是委员世界呀,你看,屙尿都碰了委员。’的确不错,城里、乡里、工会、农会、国民党、共产党无一不有执行委员,
Mao Zedong in the “Hunan Peasant Movement Inspection Report,” there is such a passage: I have also advocated to the peasants in the village to get rid of superstition. My words are: “Letters and horoscopes look good luck, beliefs and fame.” In the months of this year, the tyrants and tyrants of tyrant and gentry collapsed together. , Everybody cemetery hill has consistent gas, these few months everyone suddenly bad luck, the cemetery also uninvited? The gentry and the tyrant described the words of your peasant association is: ’clever hello, now is a member of the world Yeah, you see, Members of the Committee met all the members of the Committee. "Indeed, the city, the township, the trade unions, the peasant associations, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party all have executive members,