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一、树立信心,激发兴趣职业院校学生基础较差,自信心不强,在学习中缺乏学习的积极性和主动性,多数学生的课堂自律性差。所以首先要树立学生的信心,激发学生的学习兴趣。机械制图作为学生入校后接触的第一门技术课,在学生上第一次课时,首先要让所有学生都明白这样一个道理:他们都是一样的起点,在义务教育中学习的好与差对于制图的学习没有影响。不是以前学得好的学生就能学好制图,而学习差的学生就一定学得差。然后,要告诉他们机械制图这门课程在机械行业中的重要性,让学生知道,只有掌握了这门语言,才能在这个行业中立足,才能具备技能人才的首要条件。最后,再告诉学生机械制图的学习主要需要空间想象能 First, establish confidence, stimulate interest Students in vocational colleges based on poor, self-confidence is not strong, lack of learning in learning enthusiasm and initiative, most students poor self-discipline classroom. Therefore, we must first establish the confidence of students to stimulate student interest in learning. Mechanical drawing as the first technical class that students come into contact with after entering school. The first lesson for students, first let all students understand the truth: they are the same starting point, learning good and bad in compulsory education. Drawing learning has no effect. Not a good student can learn to draw well before, and poor students will learn poorly. Then, tell them the importance of the mechanical drawing course in the machinery industry, to let students know that only in this language can they be able to gain a foothold in the industry and be qualified as a skilled worker. Finally, tell students to learn mechanical drawing mainly need space imagination
The physical effects of the carrier distribution in the channel on the dynamical performance of a static induction thyristor(SITH) have been studied numerically
1988年,全国水利系统综合经营总产值是64亿元,而江苏省就达11亿元,居全国之冠。11亿!这一振奋人心的数字,引起人们的注目和深思: In 1988, the total output value of Chin
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