The “Special Economic Investigation Mission of China”, consisting of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economy and Trade, the State Administration of Taxation and the five special economic zones, conducted a delegation of 11 people. After examining the Philippine tax system from April 4 to April 14, 1989, , Inspected Thailand’s tax system from April 15 to 29. In addition to the Beijing Comrades, the delegation included one from each of the tax authorities of Hainan, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shantou and Xiamen. Shenzhen Revenue Agency is by me. Funding for study abroad is funded by the United Nations Economic Development Agency. During the visit to Philippines, the delegation visited the Philippine Ministry of Finance, the State Taxation Research Center, the National Income Bureau, the Local Finance Bureau of the Ministry of Finance, the Customs Department, the Investment Department, the Vader Industry Department, the Quezon City Inland Revenue Department, the Yimo City Department of Finance, During the Thai period, the delegation visited Thailand’s Ministry of Finance Fiscal Policy Research Office, State Administration of Taxation, Consumption Tax Agency, Customs Department, State Investment Commission,