当你置身于辽阔的内蒙古草原时,就会情不自禁地低吟起那首著名的《敕勒歌》: 敕勒川,阴山下,天似穹庐,笼盖四野。天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹草低见牛羊。这支脍炙人口的北魏民歌描绘的正是辽阔的内蒙古大草原。草原,是蒙古民族文化的摇篮。畜牧业,是蒙古族赖以生存发展的传统从业。祖国的五大草原,蒙古族游牧于其中之四。内蒙古草原、青海草原、甘肃草原和新疆草原都有蒙古族牧民的足迹。蒙古族也从事农业。河套平原、土默川、伊犁河
When you place yourself in the vast grassland of Inner Mongolia, you can not help but chanted the famous song “Le Lele”: Luanchuan, Yinshan, days like Qionglu, cover four fields. The sky is dark, the wild is boundless This popular Northern Wei folk song depicts the vast Inner Mongolia prairie. Grassland, Mongolia is the cradle of national culture. Animal husbandry is the Mongolian traditional survival and development of traditional industries. The five prairies of the motherland, Mongolian nomadic in the fourth. Inner Mongolia grassland, Qinghai grassland, grassland and grassland in Xinjiang have Mongolian herdsman’s footprints. Mongolian also engaged in agriculture. Hetao plain, Tumochuan, Ili River