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本书汇集了华中科技大学农村问题研究中心贺雪峰教授近年来对农村建设的大部分思考,这些思考根据表述形式的不同,分成四部分。其中,第一部分是理论讨论,收录较为正式的论文;第二部分是政策评价,收录有感而写的一些评论;第三部分是调查随笔,收录近年在农村调查及进行乡村建设时的所闻所感;第四部分是报刊访谈,收录了几家媒体就乡村建设等问题对作者进行采访的整理稿件。收录的文字中,作者重点讨论了新农村建设的核心是要建设“低消费、高福利”的生活方式,还讨论了村舍本位、农民福利、农民组织、文化建设、老年人协会、积极分子、土地制度、乡村选举、城市化道路等诸多问题。作者对这些问题都提出了新的观点或给出了解决办法,提出了一些与主流意见有些差异,与一般人的想法有些不同的看法。 This book brings together most of the thinking of Professor He Xuefeng of the Rural Problems Research Center of Huazhong University of Science and Technology on rural construction in recent years. These thoughts are divided into four parts according to the different forms of expression. Among them, the first part is the theoretical discussion, the more formal papers included; the second part is the policy evaluation, included some comments and written comments; the third part is the survey essay, included in recent years in the rural survey and the construction of the village heard The fourth part is an interview with newspapers and magazines, which contains the collated manuscripts about how the media interviewed the authors on rural construction and other issues. In the collected articles, the author mainly discusses that the core of new rural construction is to build a “low consumption, high welfare” lifestyle and also discusses such issues as village standard, peasant welfare, peasant organizations, cultural construction, the elderly associations, Activists, land system, village elections, urbanization and many other issues. The authors have put forward new ideas or solutions to these problems, put forward some views that are somewhat different from the mainstream opinions and somewhat different from those of ordinary people.
The article intends to analyse the causes and process of the spread andreception of deconstructionism in China, and tries to probe the differencesbeneath the si