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人们都说“教师是太阳底下最光辉的职业”;也有人说“教师是燃烧了自己,照亮别人的蜡烛”……其实,教师是平凡的、普通的,犹如一颗小小的铺路石,我就是那其中的一颗小小的石头,要做到学生喜欢的教师,我们必须注意师德修养,以自己的一言一行去影响学生。作为青年教师,我们经常会在教育教学工作中面对许多复杂的问题。一般,我会向经验丰富的优秀教师请教,我总在纳闷为什么他们能有好的办法来处理这些“疑难杂症”呢?在向他们取经的过程中,我才发现关键是这些优秀的老师平时注重阅读,在阅读中汲取精华,丰富自己的教育教学经验。记得有这样一句话,要给学生一杯水,教师应该有一桶水。随 People say that “teachers are the most glorious professions in the sun.” Others say that “teachers are burning themselves and lighting the candles of others.” ... In fact, teachers are ordinary and ordinary like a small Small paving stones, I was one of the small stones, to be the favorite teacher of the students, we must pay attention to the moral education, in their own words and deeds to influence students. As young teachers, we often face many complicated problems in education and teaching. In general, I will consult experienced teachers, I always wondering why they have a good way to deal with these “incurable diseases”? In learning from them, I found the key is that these excellent The teacher usually pays attention to reading, draws the essence in reading, enriches own education teaching experience. I remember there is such a sentence, to give students a glass of water, the teacher should have a bucket of water. With
罗曼·罗兰说:“要散布阳光到别人心里,先得自己心里有阳光!”用爱唤醒学生的心灵,用平等与学生进行对话,用细心让学生感知世界的温暖,用尊重让学生感受生命存在的意义! Rom