Putting chemicals in vaginal contraception has been around for thousands of years and using chemicals intravaginally is probably the oldest method except for intercourse interruptions. Ancient Egyptians used finely ground acacia spikes mixed with honey and dates. Use bunched fibers to insert vagina before sexual intercourse. Before monopoly spermicide, use a variety of household chemicals before sexual intercourse into the vagina or sexual intercourse after lavage. There are general supplies of diluted vinegar, brine or diluted lemon juice. Until today, there have been reports of peritonitis caused by cola, which is still lavaged by cola after sex. Thirty-century monopoly spermicide came out in the oral contraceptives and safe and effective before the advent of the IUD, spermicide contraception is very popular. With the number of effective, non-coercive methods increasing, the use of spermicides has dropped dramatically, with about