
来源 :北京体育大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jieswh
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运动员备战2008年北京奥运会的心理问题,核心是如何提高压力情境下的心理稳定性。心理稳定性问题可以分解为如何调节自我意识、如何提高参赛自信、如何控制注意指向、如何应对逆境顺境四大难题。自我意识问题主要与压力下的过多自我关注和过多额外努力有关,解决方案主要是平时升温、赛时降温,关键时刻减少动作细节提示和语言提示,强调动作的完整性和流畅性;参赛自信问题主要与压力下的不确定感与不可控感有关,解决方案主要是注意可控因素和忽略不可控因素;注意指向问题主要强调过程定向、当前定向和主位定向。解决应对逆境顺境问题有临场应对和模拟训练两种方式。临场应对的策略包括直接应对、情绪应对、回避应对、阿Q策略四种。 Athletes prepare for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games psychological problems, the core is how to improve the psychological stability under stress. The problem of psychological stability can be divided into four major problems: how to regulate self-awareness, how to improve self-confidence in competition, how to control attention and how to deal with adversity. The issue of self-awareness is mainly related to excessive self-concern and excessive extra effort under stress. The solutions are mainly to raise the normal temperature, cool the race, reduce the action details and language prompts at the critical moment, and emphasize the integrity and fluency of the action. The problem of self-confidence is mainly related to the uncertainty and uncontrollable feeling under pressure. The solution mainly focuses on the controllable factors and ignores the uncontrollable factors. Attention to the problem mainly emphasizes process orientation, current orientation and thematic orientation. There are two ways to deal with the problem of coping with adverse circumstances in good times: on-the-spot response and simulation training. Strategies to deal with the spot include direct response, emotional response, avoidance response, Ah Q strategy four.
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