中国大陆与港、澳、台婚姻家庭法比较研究宋豫陈苇主编 2002.6 507页大32开28.00元本书从比较法学的角度,对大陆、香港、澳门、台湾有关婚姻、家庭、亲属的法律,作了系统而又重点的介绍,特别在每一章中设立了专门一节,对四个法域的婚姻、家庭、亲属法律的异同作了必要的评析,并提出了有益的立法建议,是建国以来第一本研究大陆、香港、澳门、台湾
Mainland China and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan comparative study of marriage and family law Song Yu Chen Wei editor 2002.6 507 pages 32 yuan to 28.00 yuan from the perspective of comparative law, the mainland, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, marriage, family, relatives of the law , Gave a systematic and focused introduction. In particular, it set up a special section in each chapter to make the necessary comments on the similarities and differences in the laws of marriage, family and relatives in the four jurisdictions and put forward beneficial legislative proposals. Since the founding of the first study of mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan