
来源 :中国卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:simonhill
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目前,全国大部分省(区、市)出台了省级医养结合实施意见。上海市于今年年初提出了医养结合总体目标:以社区卫生服务中心为载体,积极吸引和利用社会力量参与,承担起对养老机构、社区托养机构以及居家老人的医疗服务支撑,实现社区内各类老年群体基本医疗服务的全覆盖。医养间需要双向互动医养结合包括医向养的结合和养向医的结合。医向养的结合是医疗卫生服务进入或衔接养老服务,目前主要是提供短缺的老年护理和老年康复的 At present, most provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) have promulgated provincial-level medical and health care combined with implementation opinions. Shanghai Municipality put forward the overall goal of medical and health care integration at the beginning of this year. Taking the community health service center as a carrier, it actively attracted and utilized social forces to take part in the medical service support to pension institutions, community care institutions and elderly people in the community All kinds of elderly groups, the full coverage of basic medical services. Inter-medical care needs two-way interaction between medical and health care, including the combination of medical and health care to the combination. The combination of medical and health care is the entry or convergence of health care services into old-age care services. At present, the main objective is to provide short-term aged care and old-age rehabilitation
3例喉鳞癌均经病理确诊,临床分期≥T_3,3例均采用自体输血法,其中1例加用化疗。术后随访1例6a以上,1例4a以上,1例2a以上,均健康存活。 例1 患者男性,65岁,因声嘶,痰中带血2m
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