把人生看成是一场旅途的任仲妮,一路上都携带着她记满心情的本子,像一个坚强,充满希望的远足旅者,执著地朝自己设定的目标迈进……在进行任仲妮的专访之前,她邀请我陪她前往北岸的Lake House去领取在之前获得的NZ Body Art Awards的两项大奖的奖品。尔后,我们开车来到可以鸟瞰奥克兰市的Mt.Eden,在山顶上,任仲妮兴奋地拆开了奖品的包装,开心得像一个收到圣诞节礼物的孩子。第一次见到任仲妮的人都会被她的热情、友好和落落大方所吸引。她总是在笑,脸上总是带着一种感染力极强
Ren Zhongni, who regarded life as a journey, carried her full-fledged book along the way like a strong and hope-filled hikers, dedicated to their own goals ... In an interview with Ren Zhongni Before that, she invited me to accompany her to Lake House on the North Shore to receive two prizes for the previous NZ Body Art Awards. Then we drove to Mt.Eden, which bird’s eye view of Auckland, and on the top of the hill, Ren Chung-ni exclaimed the package of prizes excitedly like a kid receiving a Christmas present. The first person to see Ren Zhongni will be attracted by her warm, friendly and generous. She always laughs, his face always with a highly contagious