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在职工素质工程中,如何整合职工素质工程的资源,实现资源优势的最大化,是大家经常讨论的一个话题。这一现象从侧面反映了我们对职工素质工程的资源了解还不够;在工程推进过程中,对如何利用资源来解决现实的困难,有时还缺乏有效的办法;有的职工和班组参与积极性不高,我们还不善于从资源的利用上去寻找原因。总之,在充分利用自己手中的资源为职工素质工程服务和促进这项工程方面。还有许多地方值得探讨。为此,有必要作一个比较深入的剖析,以引起共同的关注。 In the quality engineering staff, how to integrate the resources of the quality engineering staff to realize the maximization of resource advantages is a subject that we often discuss. This phenomenon reflects from the side of our understanding of the resources of staff quality engineering is not enough; in the process of project promotion, how to use resources to solve the practical difficulties, and sometimes lack of effective measures; some workers and teams are not actively involved in the initiative , We are not good at looking for reasons from the utilization of resources. In short, we should make full use of the resources in our hands to serve the quality engineering of workers and promote the project. There are many places worth exploring. To this end, it is necessary to make a more in-depth analysis to arouse common concern.