如果一位艺术圈外人士说,当代前卫艺术什么也不是,那些所谓艺术品是垃圾、是胡闹、是骗局、可能没有人会对此特别注意,因为很多人私下都持这种观点。而艺术圈内人士通常称这是由于对现代艺术和当代艺术的无知而导致的不理解。但,现在是国际著名前卫艺术组织的主席伊万·马绍站出来否定前卫艺术,以他的特殊身份而发这样的论断,这就不能不引起关注了。可它似乎并不是一个简单的热点事件。它仅仅是一个开始,是一个反思和质疑当代艺术,为艺术发展寻找新方向的契机。本期国际视野对此事进行了一番介绍,希望以此作为一个小小的引子来全方位反思现代艺术与当代艺术,这也将是日后我们国际视野栏目的主要论题。 为一个没有时间做梦的世界提供梦想,这个诗意的理想在战后的废墟上,经半个世纪的岁月,在意大利设计师的灵思慧识中渐渐成为平常的生活。在那些极富现代性的设计中,昔日罗马的辉煌闪烁其间,似乎在告诉我们,一个拥有深厚和高品质的文化传统的民族经得起历史的考验。主持人/王红媛
If an art outsider says nothing of the contemporary avant-garde art, the so-called artwork is rubbish, a prank, a hoax, no one may pay special attention to it, because many people privately hold that view. And art circles often call it a lack of understanding of the ignorance of modern and contemporary art. However, now Ivan Mauso, chairman of the internationally renowned avant-garde arts organization, came out to reject the avant-garde art and made such an assertion in his special capacity, which can not but cause any concern. But it does not seem to be a simple hot issue. It is only a beginning, an opportunity to reflect on and question contemporary art and find new directions for the development of the arts. This issue has been introduced in this issue of international vision in the hope of using this as a small primer to reflect on all aspects of modern art and contemporary art in an all-round way. This will also be the main topic for our international perspective in the future. To provide a dream for a timeless world, this poetic ideal gradually became an ordinary life in the ruin of post-war rulers over half a century. In those highly modern designs, the brilliant glory of the former Rome seems to tell us that a nation with a profound and high-quality cultural tradition can withstand the test of history. Host / Wang Hongyuan