自治区教育工委 教育厅党组关于全区教育系统认真学习宣传贯彻党的十八大精神的通知

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举世瞩目的中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会已经胜利闭幕。当前和今后一个时期,学习宣传贯彻党的十八大精神是教育战线的首要政治任务。根据《中共教育部党组关于教育系统认真学习贯彻党的十八大精神的通知》和《中共宁夏回族自治区委员会关于学习贯彻党的十八大精神的意见》精神,现就全区教育系统深入学习宣传贯彻党的十八大精神的有关要求通知如下:一、充分认识学习宣传贯彻党的十八大精神的重大意义党的十八大是在我国进入全面建成小康社会决定性阶段召开的一次十分重要的大会,是一次高举旗帜、继往 The 18th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, which has drawn worldwide attention, has been successfully concluded. At present and in the coming period, it is the primary political task of education to learn, propagandize and implement the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress. According to the “Notice of the Party Department of the Ministry of Education on Earnestly Studying and Implementing the 18th National Congress of the Party’s Education System” and the “Opinion of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Regional Committee on Learning and Carrying out the 18th National Congress of the CPC”, we are going to further study on the district’s education system 1. The full understanding of the great significance of studying, propagandizing and implementing the spirit of the 18th CPC Congress The 18th CPC National Congress is very important in the decisive phase of entering a well-off society in an all-round way in our country The General Assembly, is to hold high the banner, the past
凋落物分解是植物入侵影响生态系统的关键途径之一,但目前关于森林凋落物分解过程中土壤细菌群落结构的变化及其影响因子的研究较少。为探究毛竹(Phyllostachys edulis)、常绿阔叶及竹阔混交林凋落物对土壤细菌群落的影响,本研究采用末端限制性片段长度多态性(terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism, T-RFLP)以及实时荧光定量PC
目的 探讨移植胶质细胞源性神经营养因子(glial cell line derived neurotrophic factor,GDNF)基因修饰的神经干细胞(neural stem cells,NSCs)对暂时性缺血性脑卒中大鼠的神