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抗战文艺团体徽章1937年国共两党抗日民族统一战线成立。当时,沦陷区许多高等院校内迁,地处大后方黔中腹地的安顺城涌进不少知识分子。在周恩来、郭沫若领导的抗战戏剧宣传队的影响下,从南京迁到安顺的陆军学校、军医学校、兽医学校的许多教授参加了抗日宣传活动。在安顺抗日后 Anti-Japanese War Art Group Badge In 1937, the Anti-Japanese National United Front was formed. At that time, many of the institutions of higher learning in the enemy-occupied area moved in and many intellectuals poured into Anshun City, located in the hinterland of Guizhou in the rear area. Under the influence of the anti-Japanese theater propaganda team led by Zhou Enlai and Guo Mo-ruo, many professors who moved to the army, military and veterinary schools from Anshun took part in the anti-Japanese propaganda campaign. Anshun in the future