Recent advances and future challenges for mobile network virtualization

来源 :Science China(Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hiss006
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Recently, network function virtualization(NFV) was proposed as a paradigm shift in the telecommunication industry. Both industry and academia have drawn significant attention in mobile network virtualization.NFV decouples the software implementation of network functions from the underlying hardware, leading to considerable reductions in operating expenses(OPEX) and capital expenses(CAPEX), and facilitating the network deployment. However, as an emerging technology, NFV brings both challenges and opportunities in developing new architectures, applying and deployment. In this paper, we first survey the related work of NFV, and then propose promising research directions in this area. Recently, network function virtualization (NFV) was proposed as a paradigm shift in the telecommunication industry. Both industry and academia have drawn significant attention in mobile network virtualization. NFV decouples the software implementation of network functions from the underlying hardware, leading to considerable reductions in However, as an emerging technology, NFV promotes both architects and employ in developing new architectures, applying and deployment. In this paper, we first survey the related work of NFV, and then propose promising research directions in this area.
<正> 1947年春,是蒋介石撕毁停战协定挥舞屠刀进行全面内战的第二年,也是我党我军丢掉幻想,甩掉包袱,不计较一城一地得失,决心歼灭敌军有生力量,直至彻底推翻蒋家王朝的关键性一年.在此以前,敌人占我沈阳、四平、承德、张家口和中原广大地区,又集结二十万大军疯狂地进攻我革命圣地延安。我党我军在进行土地改革运动的同时,经过休整、补充、精兵
(一) 先修“第一課” 1946年冬天,经过宿北、鲁南战役后,蒋军沿着徐州,到連云港的陇海铁路线,摆开了八十四个旅的“一字长蛇阵”向山东解放区实行了重点进攻。这时,我被调到
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