红花羊蹄甲Bauhinia blakeana Duna.又名红花紫荆,是苏木科羊蹄甲属的常绿乔木,原产我国南部的亚热带地区,在广东、福建、广西、云南和台湾等地区广为种植。在寒冷秋冬季节里,红花羊蹄甲却花繁似锦,春意盎然。珠海市自1979年建市,1980年成立经济特区以来,大搞园林绿化,在市内的一些主干道路和公园,小游园、机关、工厂大院内大量种植了红花羊蹄甲,由于其树冠开阔,枝条下垂,叶色青绿,树荫浓密,较适宜列
Bauhinia blakeana Duna, also known as Safflower Bauhinia, is an evergreen tree belonging to the genus Sumacchia, native to the subtropical region of southern China and widely planted in Guangdong, Fujian, Guangxi, Yunnan and Taiwan. In the cold autumn and winter seasons, safflower bangladesh is like flowers, spring. Zhuhai City since 1979, the establishment of the city in 1980, since the establishment of the special economic zones, engage in landscaping, some of the city’s main roads and parks, small parks, offices, factory yard planted a large number of Carambola, due to its canopy Open, drooping branches, green leaves, shade thick, more suitable column