XDA Ⅱ是首部内置数码摄像镜头的Pocket PC 2003手机,是大出风头的02 XDA Pocket PC手机加强版。屏幕由过去的4096色升级至65536色的320×240像素的TFT屏幕,并且在外型上做了一些比较明显的改动,采用了内置天线设计,机背上也有照相手机流行自拍镜方便用户摄影之用。
The XDA II is the first Pocket PC 2003 phone with a built-in digital camera lens and is the supreme 02 XDA Pocket PC Phone Plus. The screen from the previous 4096 to 65536-color 320 × 240 pixel TFT screen, and the appearance of some of the more obvious changes made using a built-in antenna design, the back of the camera phone camera is also popular with the user-friendly photography use.