
来源 :武陵学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiangjin
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我国社会进入高速转型期后,纵向府际关系呈现出更加纷繁复杂的态势。从现状分析和改革研究的角度来看,规范化、民主化和科学化是纵向府际关系调整和发展的趋势。规范化要求树立法律在纵向府际关系调整中的权威,以主要依靠法律调整的模式取代主要依靠政策调整的模式;民主化要求肯定地方的正当利益,建立地方诉求表达机制和地方政府间平等公开的竞争机制;科学化要求合理配置各级政府的事权财权,提高政府决策的质量,完善地方政府层级设置和行政区划制度。在此基础上应加强相关立法工作,确保纵向府际关系在法治轨道内健康运行。 After our country’s society entered a period of rapid transformation, the vertical inter-governmental relations showed a more complicated situation. From the point of view of status quo analysis and reform study, standardization, democratization and scientization are the trends in the adjustment and development of the intergovernmental relations in the vertical direction. The standardization requires establishing the authority of the law in the adjustment of the intergovernmental relations in the vertical direction, replacing the mode mainly relying on the policy adjustment mainly by the mode of legal adjustment; democratization requires affirming the legitimate interests of the localities and establishing an equal mechanism between the local appeal expression mechanism and the local government Competition mechanism; scientific requirements of reasonable allocation of power at all levels of government property rights, improve the quality of government decision-making, improve the level of local government settings and administrative divisions system. On this basis, the relevant legislative work should be strengthened to ensure the healthy operation of the vertical inter-governmental relations within the framework of the rule of law.