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  Deep down in Misty Hollow was a small town surrounded by ancient forests. Unable to be located on the map, it was known by few people. To its settlers, nevertheless, it’s the most tranquil2 town in the world with everything necessary for one to live a decent life. There was only one thing unpleasant—the yearly mist which always came punctually in December. Then the entire valley would be shrouded in it, leaving no other choice for the villagers but to stay at home.3
  There lived a warm-hearted Asian couple of the most equable4 temperament, smiling to others all the time. A brown-colored house where a Latino family settled stood alongside the large cornfield. Growing delicious avocados5, the Latino couple always shared them with other residents in the village, which earned them good esteem. Talkative and super active when it came to protests or other public activities, a European couple were well known for their contributions to the town’s construction. But strangely enough, no one seemed to remember what contributions they had made.
  But the most eminent6 figure in the village was Mr. Rob, a middleaged African who had been the head of the town for many years(though no one could tell exactly how many years). Sophia, Mr. Rob’s wife and the deputy leader of the town, had also long been revered by all the villagers, for she always had brilliant ideas: The restoration of a bridge which was reduced to rubble after the great flood, the introduction of a new device carrying water from the mountain and distributing it to everyone as well as a homemade fertilizer which was undeniably creditable in the process of mass agricultural production in their village, etc.7 The countrymen were all grateful to Mrs. Rob who was pregnant but still worked assiduously from dawn to dusk.8 Speaking of her pregnancy, no one could recall the exact date when Mrs. Rob said she was going to have a baby. It seemed that she herself didn’t remember it, either. Anyway, Sophia said she was going to have a baby, and that’s a good thing.

  Everything went on perfectly until November 25th. “December is coming,” said Mr. Rob at a monthly meeting, “and as usual, we shall all stay at home until the mist is gone.” Everyone was listening with their full attention, eyes not blinking.9
  Suddenly, a girl came in. No one had seen her before (they actually never had a stranger in the village). Everyone was staring at the girl, their eyes not blinking.   “We should drive that girl out of our town,” the European couple shouted.
  “That would be too kind to her. I mean, that girl slew21 Mrs. Rob who was trying to help her. What an ungrateful and disgusting monster!” the Latino couple snarled22.
  “Yes, you’re right. That girl deserved to be drowned for the crime she committed,” the Asian couple echoed23.
  Again, everyone agreed and nodded their heads.
  With flaming torches, they together marched to the girl’s house. They accused the girl of murder. The girl denied and pleaded that she would never do such a horrible thing: “I didn’t murder Sophia. She never came to my house!”
  What she said only infuriated24 the already angry crowd: The Asian woman crazily grabbed the girl’s hair and clothes; the Latino couple were together pushing the girl down into the river; the European couple, who were trying to give a push too, couldn’t even get their hands on her—the girl was all surrounded by others. In a fit25 of despair, the girl scratched the Latino woman’s face, which was extremely cold and hard as rock.
  Humia was stunned. At the same time, the Latino woman felt water rushing into her eyes and ears, and there was a buzzing sound26 in her head. Suddenly, her hands struggled in an uncontrollable way. Then Humia slipped into the river and drowned in seconds.
  The mist had thickened.
  The villagers silently stepped into it and disappeared.
  1. hollow: 洼地,山谷。
  2. tranquil: 安静的,平静的。
  3. 届时迷雾将笼罩整个村落,村民们除了呆在家里,别无他选。shroud: 笼罩,覆盖。
  4. equable: 宁静的,平和的。
  5. avocado: 油梨,鳄梨。
  6. eminent: 知名的,显赫的。
  7. deputy: 副的;revere: 尊重,尊敬;be reduced to:陷于(悲惨或不顺的)境地;rubble: 瓦砾,碎石;fertilizer: 肥料,化肥。
  8. 罗布夫人即便在怀有身孕的日子里,依然为了村里事务日出而作、日落而息,村里上上下下皆心存感激。assiduously: 兢兢业业地,勤勤恳恳地;from dawn to dusk: 从早到晚。
  9. 大家都聚精会神地听着,眼睛都不眨一下。blink:眨(眼睛)。
  10. 脸色凝重。grim: 严肃的,沉重的。
  11. bid farewell: 告别,说再见。
  12. imbue with: 洋溢着……,充斥着……。
  13. 晨曦灑落在她的脸颊,美丽如画。slant: 歪斜,斜射。
  14. chirp: 叽喳而鸣,尖声说道。
  15. snap: 厉声道,声色俱厉地说。
  16. vanish:(强调突然间)消失不见,销声匿迹。
  17. murmur: 低声说,喃喃细语。
  18. prevail: 占上风,占优势。
  19. bellow: 咆哮,大声吼;snare: 设陷阱。
  20. untamed: 未驯服的,野性的。
  21. slay: 屠杀,残害。
  22. snarl: 吼道,愤怒地叫嚷。
  23. echo: 应声说道,附和道。
  24. infuriate: 激怒,使暴怒。
  25. fit: 一阵……。
  26. a buzzing sound: 嗡嗡声。
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