阿莫西林胶囊为广谱抗生素 ,由于较常用及价格较高 ,不法分子制假售假现象时有发生 ,给患者带来危害。 1999~ 2 0 0 0年上半年 ,我所对玉溪市 110家城乡医疗诊所及药店的阿莫西林胶囊进行检查后重点抽验 2 0批次 ,不合格 15批次。标示厂牌为香港澳美制药厂生产的阿莫西林胶囊
Amoxicillin capsules for broad-spectrum antibiotics, as more commonly used and higher prices, unscrupulous molecular fake phenomenon occurs from time to time, bring harm to patients. In the first half of 1999 ~ 2000, we checked 20 batches of amoxicillin capsules in 110 urban and rural medical clinics and pharmacies in Yuxi city and failed to batch 15 batches. Marked the label for the Hong Kong and Macao pharmaceutical production of amoxicillin capsules