为了满足用于铝合金发动机体中的粉末冶金轴承盖切削加工的要求 ,开发了含六方BN的粉末组成。除要求强度外 ,为了对发动机体组合件能够有效地进行镗孔 ,材料的切削性能还必须和铝合金相一致。本文介绍了材料性能 ,概述了切削性试验 ,以及静态与动态强度试验的结果
In order to meet the requirements for the machining of the powder metallurgy bearing cap used in the aluminum alloy engine body, a powder composition containing hexagonal BN was developed. In addition to the required strength, the material must be machinable in accordance with the aluminum alloy in order to be able to effectively bore the engine block assembly. This article describes the material properties, outlines the machinability test, as well as static and dynamic strength test results