作者报道1例经剖腹探查活检确诊的4月大男性肝血管内皮瘤(IHL)患儿,包块占据了整个右上腹,右髂窝和左季肋部。用皮质类固醇治疗无效后用20MeV 电子束放疗(腹部和右侧二野,TD全肝9.68G_y)效佳,肝功全恢复正常。已随访3年,患儿体健、无任何症状。作者指出:临床常见于出生后6月内的IHL 虽属罕见良性瘤且一部分可自行退缩,但有腹内出血、消耗性血小板减少等危险,病死率亦高,故需治疗。因常伴发心衰,手术
The authors report that in April, a majority of children with IHC who had been diagnosed by laparotomy were covered by the right upper quadrant, right iliac fossa, and left quarter rib. Treatment with corticosteroid ineffective with 20MeV electron beam radiation (abdomen and right second field, TD whole liver 9.68G_y) effective, liver function returned to normal. Have been followed for 3 years, children with healthy, without any symptoms. The authors point out: Although clinical IHL in 6 months after birth is a rare benign tumor and some of them can be withdrawn on their own, there is a risk of intra-abdominal hemorrhage and consumption of thrombocytopenia. Because often accompanied by heart failure, surgery