自四环素问世以来,一直作为抗生素应用于临床。近年来,它的硬化作用越来越被人们所重视,注射于一些腔、囊内,取得了良好的闭合效果。现就国内临床应用的近况作一简介,以供参考。一、作用机制虽然四环素作为硬化剂的机制尚未完全明了,但目前多数学者认为,盐酸四环素水溶液具有明显酸性,pH 为2~3.5,腔、囊内注射,可烧灼其内膜,引起充血、水肿及纤维蛋白渗出等无菌性炎症反应,破坏浆膜细胞,阻碍各种液体分泌,促进纤维化粘连,导致囊腔闭塞,达到治疗目的,临床应用效果优于其他硬化剂。
Since the advent of tetracycline, it has been used as an antibiotic in clinical practice. In recent years, its hardening has attracted more and more attention from people. It has been injected into some cavities and capsules and has achieved a good closure effect. A brief introduction to the current status of clinical application in China is provided for reference. First, the mechanism of action Although the mechanism of tetracycline as a sclerosing agent is not yet fully understood, but at present most scholars believe that tetracycline hydrochloride aqueous solution has a significant acidity, pH 2 ~ 3.5, cavity, capsule injection, can burn its intimal, causing congestion, edema Aseptic inflammatory reaction such as fibrin leakage, destruction of serosa cells, impede the secretion of various liquids, promote fibrosis adhesion, resulting in occlusion of the cyst cavity, for therapeutic purposes, clinical application is superior to other sclerosing agents.