The genetic diversity of 41 Setaria viridis resources in Shanxi Province was analyzed by phenotypic traits and SSR markers. At the phenotypic level, the results of 14 phenotypic traits, such as plant type, panicle type, and leaf type, were analyzed. It was found that the resources of P. maxima in Shanxi were rich in phenotypic diversity. The green depth Chlorophyll content of the highest genetic diversity index of 2.76, the rest of the genetic diversity index are mostly maintained at about 2.0; most of green genie grass spike spindle type, grain color and shape were cyan and spindle shape. Through the phenotypic clustering, the genus of Shanxi green foxtail can be divided into three groups: the first class mainly showed the overall index of plant height and spike number, etc. The second group mainly consisted of small plant, fewer spikes, dry weight per plant Low; the third category mainly for tall plants, spike number, spike weight and so on. Cluster analysis found that the phenotypic diversity and Shanxi specific eco-geographical division have some relevance. At the molecular level, 102 SSR primers were used to detect 102 alleles, with an average of 5 loci per locus. The average value of genetic diversity and PIC was 0.66 and 0.61, respectively. Although cluster analysis, population structure analysis and principal component analysis divided 41 genus Green Gypsophila resources into three categories, the results of the three methods were not completely consistent with that of Setaria viridis, and the three groups were different from those of Shanxi Geographical zoning is also not exactly the same, indicating that the genus Green Setaria with different phenotypes and genetic backgrounds are mixed and distributed in Shanxi Province with no obvious boundaries between the regions.