2014年9月15日起,来自成都老年骑游队的6位老人,从成都三生万寿养老院出发,骑行前往西藏,整个骑行里程2 200多km,时间长达18天。老人们从成都平原出发,一路骑行至5 000多m高的目的地,骑行过程中经历的艰难曲折令人难以想象。但6位老人克服一切艰难险阻,骑完整个路程,是什么力量在鼓舞着他们?“人老了,我们的心未老,骑行川藏是我们年轻时没能圆的梦,现在我们要挑战,让世人看看我们老年人心中仍有激情!”骑行队中一位老人说。但是,光有雄心壮志还不行,必
Starting from September 15, 2014, six elderly people from Chengdu riding a senior team started their journey from Chengdu Sansheng Wanshou nursing home to Tibet. The entire ride was over 200 kilometers long and took 18 days. Departing from the Chengdu Plain, the old people ride all the way to more than 5,000 m high destinations, and the difficult twists and turns experienced during the ride are unimaginable. However, the six old people overcome all difficulties and obstacles, ride the entire journey, what is the strength of their inspiration? “People are old, our hearts are not old, riding Sichuan Tibet is a dream we failed to round, and now we To challenge, let the world see the passion in our hearts! ”Said an elderly cyclist. However, ambition is not enough, must be