目前,从北非阿尔及利亚至南 非之角,整个非洲的石油工业正在蓬勃发展,其中西非和部分北非国家已经成为该地区油气工业发展的先锋。许多非洲产油国的石油法规近年来出现了一些变化,本文对非洲各产油国目前外商勘探开发所适用的法律、法规作一简要介
At present, from Algeria in North Africa to the corner of South Africa, the oil industry in Africa is booming. Among them, West Africa and some North African countries have become pioneers in the development of the oil and gas industry in the region. Many oil-producing countries in Africa have seen some changes in their oil regulations in recent years. This article provides a brief introduction to the current laws and regulations applicable to foreign exploration and development in various oil-producing countries in Africa.