Sedimentary Record of the Planation Surface in the Hoh Xil Region of the Northern Tibet Plateau

来源 :地质学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fano
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Miocene marl is the most widespread Tertiary stratigraphic record in the northern Tibet Plateau, termed the Wudaoliang Group in the Hoh Xil region and the correlative Suonahu Formation in the Qiangtang region.The uniform marl overlies red beds of the Eocene-Oligocene Fenghuoshan Group. The Wudaoliang Group is generally 100-400 m thick, but the thickest strata are 700-1300 m, located in the Haidinghu (Haiding Lake) and Tuotuohe (Tuotuo River) regions respectively. Based on observations from eight measured sections and outcrops, the thinbedded marl, which varies in colour from grey-white to light brown-grey, is explained as a large-scale or serial lacustrine deposit stretching throughout northern Tibet.The Wudaoliang Group commonly crops out on geographic lowland at an average elevation of 4600 m above sea level within the mountain chains, showing concordant summit levels, e.g. the Fenghuoshan and Bairizhajia Mountains. These mountains with a flat ridge are considered to be remains of the palaeo-planation surface. However, the spatial distribution of the Wudaoliang Group is not confined by the current mountain-basin landform configuration.We have observed the Miocene Wudaoliang Group marl exposed on a 5233 m-high mountain peak. The largest difference in height between the current lake level and the mesa crest is 600 m; the maximum dip angle is 25°, but usually below 10°, which is obviously different from the Fenghuoshan Group red beds with moderate to strong structural deformation. The horizon of the Wudanliang Group thin-bedded marl and its widespread occurrence throughout the northern Tibetan Plateau can only be reasonably inferred to a sedimentary record relevant to the palaeo-planation. Its deposition occurred on primary land floor by erosion at 20 Ma and its bed surface is a typical sign of geomorphic rise and collapse after the erosion.
针对广东沿海地震、水土流失、崩塌、滑坡、地裂缝、地面沉降、岩溶塌陷、软土地基形变等地质灾害发育历史与现状 ,从土地开发利用的风险与费用出发 ,构建了一套地质环境评价的指标体系 ,包括活动断裂、历史地震、地形起伏度、地形坡度、沟谷密度、水土流失程度、崩滑密度、地裂缝密度、土体承载力等。通过指标量化分级、指标赋权和构造隶属函数 ,构建了模糊数学综合评价模型 ,对广东沿海 190单元进行了运算 ,将广东
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A new theoretical framework of tracer methods is proposed in the present contribution, on the basis of mass conservation. This model is applicable for both arti
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