由长沙市规划设计院设计、湖南省建六公司施工的两座预弯预应力混凝土简支梁桥已在长沙建成,于1989年9月29日正式交付使用。这是国内将该结构型式成功地应用于桥梁工程的首次实践。这两座预弯预应力混凝土梁桥系长沙袁家岭立交桥中跨越下行主干道韶山路的两座型式相同的跨线桥,桥梁净跨16米,桥宽8.2米。主梁全高52厘米,桥跨总建筑高度58厘米,设计荷载为汽—8及每平方米400公斤人群荷载。该桥主梁采用Ⅰ型断面。它以16Mn 钢板焊制成具有设计上拱度的劲性钢梁为骨架。利用在钢梁横向加
Two pre-bent prestressed concrete simple-supported beam bridges constructed by Changsha Planning and Design Institute and constructed by Hunan Jianli Company have been built in Changsha and were officially delivered on September 29, 1989. This is the first time that this type of structure has been successfully applied to bridge engineering in China. These two pre-bent prestressed concrete girder bridges are two identical overpass bridges in Changsha Yuanjialing overpass, Shaoshan Road, the descending main road. The bridge has a net span of 16 meters and a bridge width of 8.2 meters. The total length of the main girder is 52cm, the total span of the bridge span is 58cm, and the designed load is steam-8 and the load of 400kg per square meter. The bridge girder Ⅰ section. It is made of 16Mn steel welded steel beam with a curved design of the skeleton. Use in the horizontal beam plus