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  Pacific Rim is about big things: big robots, big monsters, big earthshaking battles[战役]. So it seems fitting that the film—the first major summer blockbuster[大片] from Guillermo del Toro(Hellboy, Pan’s Labyrinth)—comes out of the ruins of his biggest disappointment. At first, del Toro planned only to co-write and produce Pacific Rim because he’d be directing his dream project, an adaptation[改编] of H.P. Lovecraft’s At the Mountains of Madness. But Universal pulled the plug[终止业务] on that film, and only days later del Toro took the helm[掌管] of Pacific Rim.
  Pacific Rim features[刻画] clashes[冲突] between huge, human-piloted robots called Jaegers[贼鸥] and massive creatures called Kaiju (Japanese for “giant monsters”), but don’t be fooled by its Transformers-meets-Godzilla appearances. At its heart, del Toro insists, the film has all the unique qualities his fans would want: “We do crazy stuff nobody has ever done.... I always feared that with big budgets[预算] came big constraints[约束], and this has been the opposite. I’ve kind of been ruined for life.’ In a good way, we trust.
  憾似乎再合适不过了。德尔·托罗原本只打算参与《环太平洋》的剧本创作以及担任制片人,因为他正准备执导《疯狂之山》——这部改编自H. P. 洛夫克拉夫特同名小说的电影是德尔·托罗梦寐以求的项目。但是环球影业突然叫停了《疯狂之山》,几天之后,德尔·托罗接掌了《环太平洋》的帅印。
   Sneak Peeks of Pacific Rim 《环太平洋》抢“鲜”看
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  There’s more than just giant robots and massive monsters in Pacific Rim: Director Guillermo del Toro has also mixed in plenty of it with human drama and character stories. Del Toro tells us what’s in store for monster-movie fans, beginning with the setting[电影的场景]: The film starts about 15 years after the gigantic[庞大的] Kaiju first emerged[显现,浮现] from the Pacific Ocean and mankind built robotic Jaegers to battle them. We’re not doing all that well, either, del Toro says. “They are evolving, they are becoming bigger, stronger and smarter, and it’s a very tough war.”
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  Del Toro is making sure the camera sees the true impact[冲击] of the Kaiju attacks, even among fearful pedestrians[行人]. “We’re trying very, very hard to make the fight scenes in the movie very visceral[出自内心的], very much like you are there,” he says.   德尔·托罗要确保摄像机能捕捉到怪兽袭击那真实的冲击力,甚至包括惊恐的行人。“我们非常用心地制作电影中的战斗场面,那种震撼发自肺腑,让你仿佛身临其境,”他这样说道。
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  Raleigh Becket (Charlie Hunnam) is the point-of-view[视角] character for the audience. He’s a washed-up[不再需要的] Jaeger jockey[操作员] looking for a second chance after being out of circulation for five years—“which is exactly the same number of years that I’d been away from directing,” del Toro says, laughing.“He’s a guy who has a very noble heart and a very good presence[仪容], but the things he’s trying to surmount[克服] are big.”
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  Raleigh’s partner, Mako Mori (Rinko Kikuchi), has an equally large backstory. “She is facing her own personal demons[魔鬼] when she attempts[尝试] to ride a Jaeger and try to control it,” del Toro says.“She has a very personal story of destruction with the Kaiju—they basically took everything away from her.”
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  The Jaegers are controlled by two people, and the fact that they have to work together to defeat[击败] a monster is a metaphor[隐喻,暗喻] for the movie as a whole. “Once you’re in the robot you have to become one,” del Toro says. “You have to put aside everything you hate or love about the other person and just work together or we will not survive. That was the idea, that leaning[倚靠] and relying on[依赖] each other is what makes us stronger.”
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