多灶性运动神经病(multifocal motor neuropa-thy,MMN)是一种由免疫介导的、主要累及运动纤维的、多灶性运动神经病,1982年由Lewist和Summer首先描述,1988年被Pestronk等正式命名为MMN。该病的主要临床特点为非对称性的、缓慢进展的以上肢为著的肢体无力;电生理表现为持续性节
Multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN) is a multifocal motor neuropathy that is mediated by immunity and mainly affects motor fibers. It was first described by Lewist and Summer in 1982 and formally by Pestronk et al in 1988 Name it MMN. The main clinical features of the disease are asymmetric, slowly developing limb weakness; the electrophysiological findings are persistent