一九八三年二月二十二日下午五时零五分,我国著名的马克思主义经济学家孙冶方与世长辞了。 (一) 二月二十三日下午三时左右,我接受了报道这位著名学者去世的任务。在这以前,中央有关领导同志多次指示:著名的学者、专家去世,要及时进行报道,还因为有几次这方面的报道不及时而批评过我们。我与不久前分配到新华社工作的李光茹同志一起,急急驱车赶到了中国社会科学院。在社会科学院的办公室里,一位负责人正在专心致
At 05.05 on February 22, 1983, Sun Yefang, a famous Marxist economist in China, died. (A) At about 3 p.m. on February 23, I accepted the task of reporting the death of this famous scholar. Prior to this, the relevant leading comrades of the Central Government have repeatedly instructed: famous scholars and experts died to report in time and because of several occasions when they criticized us in a timely manner. Together with Comrade Li Guangru, who was assigned to the work of Xinhua News Agency not long ago, I quickly drove to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. In the office of the Academy of Social Sciences, a person in charge is working hard