From the study of the Strengbach and Ringelbach watersheds we propose to illustrate the interest of combining the geochemical tracing and geochemical modeling approaches on surface and deep borehole waters,to decipher the diversity of the water flow and the associated water–rock interactions in such elementary mountainous catchments. The results point to a clear geochemical typology of waters depending on the water circulations(deep vs. hypodermic) within the substratum.
From the study of the Strengbach and Ringelbach watersheds we propose to illustrate the interest of combining the geochemical tracing and geochemical modeling approaches on surface and deep borehole waters, to decipher the diversity of the water flow and the associated water-rock interactions in such elementary mountainous catchments. The results point to a clear geochemical typology of waters depending on the water circulations (deep vs. hypodermic) within the substratum.