
来源 :犯罪与改造研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:badgod
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延长戒断巩固期、降低复吸率是强制隔离戒毒实践的重要价值目标,也是广大戒毒工作者长期以来研究的重点和难点。~①复吸和戒断不易的原因很多,除了毒友的影响、稽延性阶段症状之外,主要是戒毒人员的吸毒心理的影响,比如,心理渴求难以消除、“吸一口,无所谓”等非理性信念。实现延长戒断巩固期、降低复吸率这两个目标的关键在于降低戒毒人员对毒品及其相关线索的敏感性。在类似的特殊人群(如吸烟人员、抑郁症患者)中开展了相关研究。实践也证明,通过社会—医学—心理的综合干预模式,能够有效降低他们对烟草、负性刺激及其相关线索的敏感性和认知加工偏向。 To extend the period of withdrawal to consolidate and to reduce relapse rate is an important value goal of compulsory isolation and drug treatment practice. It is also a key and difficult point for research on detoxification practitioners for a long time. ~ ① relapse and withdrawal is not easy for many reasons, in addition to drug addicts, protracted phase symptoms, the main drug addicts psychological impact of drug addicts, such as psychological craving difficult to eliminate, " And other irrational beliefs. The key to achieving the two objectives of extending the period of withdrawal and reintroduction is to reduce the sensitivity of drug abusers to drugs and their associated clues. In similar special groups (such as smokers, depression patients) to carry out the relevant research. Practice has also proved that the comprehensive social-medical-psychological intervention model can effectively reduce their sensitivity to tobacco, negative stimulus and related clues and cognitive processing bias.
7月6日9时46分,位于陕西佳县白云山景区五龙宫庙宇附近的一处施工现场突然发生塌方事故,两名民工被埋在坍塌的泥土中,生命危在旦夕。接警后赶来的白云山派出所民警与周边村民一道,经过20分钟的营救,将两位被埋民工成功救出。  遇险  上午9时,在白云山景区五龙宫庙宇附近,四名民工正在维修一处村内道路。由于昨日下了大雨,这条两米多高的土路已出现了垮塌的迹象。于是,共用道路的几户村民合伙雇了四名民工进行维
“特行”工作,对于派出所民警来说并不陌生。不过对于女民警来说,是不是一项艰巨的挑战呢?我们接下来要介绍的这位,不但出色地完成了挑战,而且一管就是15年。她就是北京市公安局丰台分局樊家村派出所民警张霞。  作为丰台分局唯一的“特行”女民警,张霞也有自己的一套“独门秘籍”。在秘笈公布之前,还是先来看看她是如何和这一工作结缘的吧。  在质疑声中打开局面  “特行”工作的对象包括旅店业、机修业、典当业、开