The cat “Rain” (1922), a famous American writer Ernest Hemingway, has drawn great attention from literary critics since it was published. Through the narration of a fragment of daily life in the work, the author reveals the theme of the female predicament. The corpus-based literary studies, through the use of corpus retrieval software to examine the author’s writing style, interpretation of the theme of the work. Based on the previous studies, the author intends to use corpus linguistics to conduct a more in-depth study of the novel. Through the use of the corpus retrieval softwares such as Wordsmith and AntConc, the author intends to carry on the statistical analysis of the words, sentences and discourse structures of “cats in the rain”. Finally, not only can the analysis of Hemingway’s simple and short sentence style but also the key Word search and automatically generated context to understand the main contents of the novel and the characterization of the characters, which provides a new research method and approach for the interpretation of the theme of the novel.