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齐白石《蝇子》赏析齐白石对小生灵的热情在他的画中得到了完美的诠释。他笔下的虾、蟹、鱼、蛙无人不知,知了、蜻蜒、蜜蜂、螳螂、蝈蝈、瓢虫、蝗虫也让人无法忘怀,还有不少生活中不算常见或不好叫出名字的小东西也都为他收罗入画,引人遐思。这帧小品真是‘小品’,只有巴掌大的纸片上,齐白石把一只小苍蝇‘搬’了上去,大小一如实物,而且刻画得一丝不苟,似乎随时都有飞走的可能,可谓‘觉来落笔不经意,神妙独到秋毫颠’。画中李苦禅的题跋尤其耐人寻味。‘此帧为白石恩师所画,栩栩如生,神采盎然,藏之已卅年。今劫后能见之,观物有所遇,感而题记之’,三十年风雨晦明,人事代谢而片纸幸存,亦艺林一段佳话。这帧小品托于另纸,李苦禅以方正拙朴的隶书题‘敝帚珍之’四字,后面有一段章草长跋:‘效安弟与我习书画,朴实、厚道、勤奋,业已猛进,来视吾,以此相赠之。一虽片纸只蝇,毕竟业师手笔,且有一二十年光阴在焉,故所谓‘敝帚’,实以应俗世之目,而‘珍之’,正见无限珍爱之情。李苦禅以此赠与弟子,其间深情厚谊,非今日之‘平方尺’所能衡之。 Qi Baishi “fly” Appreciation Qi Baishi’s enthusiasm for the small creatures in his paintings have been the perfect interpretation. His pen, shrimp, crab, fish, frog no one I do not know, know, dragonfly, bees, mantis, emus, ladybugs, locusts also make people unforgettable, there are a lot of life is not common or not called The little things that are well-known are all collected for him, introducing reveries. This piece of sketch is really ’sketch’, only the palm of the big piece of paper, Qi Baishi put a small fly ’moved’ up, the size of the same kind, and the description of meticulous, it seems that at any time have the possibility of flying can be described as’ feel Inadvertently stroke, mysterious unique autumn cents Britain. Li Kuchan paintings in the title inscriptions particularly intriguing. ’This frame is painted by Whitehead teacher, lifelike, full of energy, possession has been years. After this robbery to see it, the concept of things encountered, the feeling of the inscription ’, thirty years of wind and rain, human metabolism and the piece of paper survives, Yi Yilin also a story. This piece of sketches on a separate sheet of paper, Li Kuchan to Founder Zhuo Park librarian title ’treasure broom’ of the word, followed by a chapter of the postscript: ’An Xiandi and I study painting, simple, kind, diligent, has been fierce, Come to see my, as a gift. Although a piece of paper only flies, after all, industry experts handwriting, and there are one or two decades of time Yan, so the so-called ’spacious broom’, in order to be secular, and ’Jane’, is the infinite love. Li Kuchan drew his disciples as his disciples, during which his deep friendship, not today’s “square feet” can be balanced.
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