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宋朝有个侍读叫梅询,即使到了晚年,也仍然迫切地追求俸禄官位。有一次,退朝后经过阁门,他看到箱子里的锦轴上写着:“锦轴,是胡侍郎的退休文书。”同僚们拿出来看。他远远地避开走了,说:“钱多而且说得又好,这是诱惑我退休啊。凭什么看呢?”当时的人大多笑话他。他七十多岁时,脚有病,经常握着自己的脚骂道:“这里面有鬼,让我不能到两府的是你啊。”他有一匹喜爱的马,他曾经牵着马在将要骑的时候,推着马鞍子说:“贱畜生,我已经薄命了,你难道就没有披丝织的鞍鞯的福分吗?”到了这么大岁 There is a minister in the Song Dynasty called Mei inquiry, even in his later years, is still eager to pursue the official position. Once, after retreating to the pavilion, he saw the chest of arms bearing the words “The axis of honor is Hu’s retirement document.” He walked far away and said: “More money, moreover, it is tempting me to retire.” Why do you look at it? “Most people at that time joked about him. When he was seventy years old, his feet were sick and often held his own feet and cursed: ”There is a ghost here, so I can not go to the two houses is yours.“ ”He has a favorite horse, When the horse is about to ride, push the saddle and say: “I’ve been beheaded, are not you blessed with a silk saddle?”
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