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1948年5目5日下午三时,第七届全国运动会在 上海市江湾体育场举行了盛大的开幕典礼。只见会场 前门“第七届全国运动会会场”的巨型标志,格外显眼。 古堡型之围墙粉饰一新,正面城楼上有前市长吴铁城 题“市公共体育场”六个金黄色大字,鲜艳夺目。 天公作美,连日的阴雨,终被晴日取代。体育场春 光普照,四周的大看台万头攒动,座无虚席,不少观众 于清晨起就携带干粮、茶水预先占定座位,后至者几无 立足之地,观众达十万人。会场四周围墙上鲜红的国 旗与白色的会旗迎风招展,与观众的花色春装相映衬, 争妍斗奇,汇合成一片多邑之海,波粼起伏,蔚为壮观。 司令台前,高悬的国旗迎风飘扬。主席团设于西 司令台下于二时起,政府首长、各国驻沪使领、陆海空 军代表及各届名流等相偕莅场。国府委员邵力子携夫人特自京来沪参加盛会,教育部长、大会会长来家骅, 上海市长兼筹备主任吴国祯到场致词。大会田径总裁判张伯苓、游泳总裁判王正廷及全体裁判员均参加典礼。 At 5:00 pm on May 5, 1948, the Seventh National Games held a grand opening ceremony at Jiangwan Stadium in Shanghai. I saw the venue front door “Seventh National Games venue,” the giant sign, especially conspicuous. The wall of the castle-style whitewash a new facade on the front of the former mayor Wu Tiecheng title “City Public Stadium,” the six golden characters, colorful. Heaven works for the United States, rainy days, eventually replaced by a sunny day. Stadium spring shine, surrounded by grandstands full of action, packed, many spectators in the early morning with dry food, tea pre-seated seats, after a few fledgling places, the audience up to 100,000 people. The bright red flag and the white flag on the wall around the venue all round the way, matching the audience’s spring colors. Commander in front of the flag flying in the wind. The presidium was set up under the command of the West Commander. From 2 o’clock, the heads of government, ambassadors of various countries in Shanghai, representatives of the armed forces of the air, sea and air force and other celebrities attended the meeting. Shao Lizi, member of the State Council, took his wife from Beijing to Shanghai to attend the event. Minister of Education and President of the General Assembly visited Huajia and Wu Guozhen, mayor and preparatory director of Shanghai, made a speech at the scene. Conference track and field president Zhang Boling, Swimming Chief Referee Wang Zhengting and all the referees attended the ceremony.
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