正是在大型市场中的强势表现,成就了奔驰Vans在俄罗斯的市场地位。在这其中,经典车型Sprinter和Sprinter Classic功不可没。2015年1-7月,俄罗斯轻型商用车市场销量为5万4 392辆,相比于上年同期(7万8 104辆)下降30.4%,其中,奔驰销量为4 576辆,相比上年同期(3 892辆)增长17.6%,市场份额由5%提高至8.4%。逆势上扬的表现,不仅让奔驰稳居行业第三的位置,而且逐步甩开其他
It is the strong performance in the large market, the success of Mercedes-Benz Vans in Russia’s market position. In this one, the classic models Sprinter and Sprinter Classic contributed. From January to July 2015, the sales volume of Russian light commercial vehicles was 54,439 units, down 30.4% from the same period of last year (70,810 vehicles), of which 4 576 were sold by Mercedes-Benz. Compared with the previous year, Over the same period (3,892 units) increased by 17.6% and market share increased from 5% to 8.4%. The performance of the contrarian rise, not only Mercedes-Benz ranked third in the industry position, and gradually throw off the other