绪論的講授在物理教学中的重要意義,近年来已為很多教師所了解,这里再就1955年新编高中物理课本的緒論提出有關教学間题的幾点意见,供大家參考,並请批評。 1.教学目的怎樣確定? 大家知道,考虑教学目的須要先对教材加以分析和概括。新課本緒論共有三節。在第一節——物質和運動中,首先簡單而具体地說明了自然界由什么组成和人們怎樣認識了自然界的存在,从而作出全部高中物理的第一個結論——所有的客观存在都是物質,整個自然界就是由各种各样的物質組成的。其次,在初中
Introduction to the importance of teaching in physics teaching, in recent years has been for many teachers to understand here again in 1955 the new senior high school physics textbook introduction put forward some questions about teaching questions for your reference, and please comment . 1. How to determine the purpose of teaching? As we all know, consider teaching purposes need to be analyzed and summarized teaching materials. The new textbook introduction has three sections. In the first section, Matter and Movement, the first conclusion of all high school physics is first and foremost explained in a simple and concrete way by describing what constitutes nature and how people understand the existence of nature. All objective existence is matter The whole nature is made up of all kinds of things. Second, in junior high school