预应力(prestressing force)技术常用于混凝土结构,是在混凝土结构承受荷载之前,预先对其施加压力,使其在外荷载作用时的受拉区混凝土内力产生压应力,用以抵消或减小外荷载产生的拉应力,使结构在正常使用的情况下不产生裂缝或者裂得比较晚。预应力就是为了改善结构服役表现,在施工期间给结构预先施加的压应力,结构服役期间预加压应力可全部或部分抵消载荷导致的拉应力,从而避免了结构的破坏。主要介绍预应力的混凝土结构施工工艺。
Prestressing force technology is often used in concrete structures. Before concrete structures are subjected to load, prestressing force is pre-applied to compress the internal forces of the concrete in the tension zone during the external load to offset or reduce the external load Tensile stress generated so that the structure does not produce cracks or cracks in the case of normal use later. Prestressing is to improve the service performance of the structure. Prestressing stress is applied to the structure during construction. The prestressing stress during the service of the structure can totally or partially cancel the load-induced tensile stress, thus avoiding the structural damage. Mainly introduces prestressed concrete structure construction technology.