A 60-year-old man with type 2 diabetes mellitus received pamidronate disodium 60 mg dissolved in 0.9% sodium chloride 500 ml for 4 to 5 h after intravenous infusion for 1 to 3 months due to bone metastases from small cell lung cancer Administered 1 times, administered within 17 months a total of 10 times, followed by cranial head line radiation therapy. 2d before radiotherapy began to take prednisone 10mg, 3 times / d, once every 37d. After radiotherapy, patients receiving pamidronate disodium again, the dose and route of administration with the former, administered a total of 5 times a year. During these 1 year, patients often showed swollen gums, overflow pus, and dentistry diagnosed as mandibular necrosis. Consider mandibular necrosis that may be related to pamidronate disodium, or to both bisphosphonates and radiation therapy.