1 那应该是戴金镯的手腕上,戴的是手铐。她此刻的神色,象梦游的人,灵魂仿佛离开了她的躯壳。监狱显示着法律的威严,透过铁窗,蓝天显得异样高远。几只麻雀,用它们的翅膀,向囚徒们煽起对自由的渴望。她望着麻雀,嘴角挤出一丝苦笑。她的脸象是有一团薄云笼罩,沉默,绝望,似白玉雕像,铁窗下却更强烈地透发出少女的青春的气息。提审。招供。她柔顺地伸出食指,在终审判决书上印下了食指的纹印。杀人犯,美丽的娜日莎,她没有去想不久将会随着在人世间听到的最后一声枪
1 That should be wearing a wrist bracelet, wearing handcuffs. Her look at the moment, like sleepwalking, the soul seems to have left her body. The prison shows the dignity of the law. Through the iron window, the blue sky seems lofty. A few sparrows, using their wings, fanned the longing for freedom to prisoners. She looked at the sparrow, her mouth squeezed a smile. Her face is like a thin cloud enveloped, silence, despair, like a white jade statue, but under the iron window is more strongly revealed the young girl’s youthful atmosphere. Put the trial. confession. She flexibly extended her index finger and imprinted the index finger print on the final judgment. Murderer, beautiful Na Risa, she did not think about it in the near future will be heard in the world the last shot