为了探讨碱性成纤维细胞生长因子 (bFGF)和PCNA在前列腺增生 (BPH)组织中区域分布及其作用 ,应用免疫组化结合计算机图像分析方法检测bFGF和PCNA在 2 4例BPH组织的尿道周围区、中间区和包膜下区中表达。结果显示尿道周围区bFGF和PCNA在BPH组织中存在在区域分布差异 ,两者在尿道周围区表达增高 ,提示其与BPH发生发展有密切联系
In order to investigate the regional distribution of bFGF and PCNA in benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) tissues and the role of bFGF and PCNA in immunohistochemistry and computer image analysis in 24 cases of BPH tissue around the urethra Zone, middle zone and subencapsular zone. The results showed that the bFGF and PCNA around the urethra in BPH tissue exist in the regional distribution differences, both in the surrounding area of the urethra increased, suggesting that it is closely related with the occurrence and development of BPH