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我国非煤矿山的安全状况严峻,既有深刻的历史原因,也有复杂的现实原因。国家安全生产监督管理局副局长王德学同志在全国非煤矿山安全生产专项整治现场会总结讲话中,一语中的:虽然表现出来的是安全问题,但本质是各种利益关系调整问题。涉及到资源开发利用、地方经济发展格局、产业结构以及各方面利益关系等问题。因此,非煤矿山安全整治,既要治标,解决当前安全生产工作的突出问题;更要治本,解决利益关系中的深层次问题。要着眼于长远,建立长效机制,从深层次解决那些影响安全生产、影响长远发展的问题。要把非煤矿山安全整治与地方经济发展规划、调整优化产业结构、淘汰落后、实现规模经济和产业升级换代、提高企业整体素质结合起来,用发展的思路解决发展过程中的问题。在“治标”的同时,要健全完善法律法规和规章标准,规范对非煤矿山安全的日常管理和监督;建立非煤矿山重大危险源监控和重大事故隐 The safety of non-coal mines in China is grim, both for profound historical reasons and also for complex realistic reasons. Wang Dexue, deputy director of the State Administration of Work Safety, made a concluding remarks at the on-site special rectification work on non-coal mine safety in the country: Although the issue of safety is shown, the essence is the adjustment of various interest relations. Related to the development and utilization of resources, the pattern of local economic development, industrial structure and the interests of all parties and other issues. Therefore, non-coal mine safety remediation, it is necessary to stop the problem, to solve the outstanding problems of the current work safety; more to cure, to solve the deep-seated problems in the relations of interest. We must focus on the long-term, establish a long-term mechanism, and solve the problems that affect safety in production and affect the long-term development from a deep-seated point of view. The non-coal mine safety remediation and local economic development planning, adjustment and optimization of industrial structure, elimination of backwardness, to achieve economies of scale and industrial upgrading, improve the overall quality of enterprises together, with the development of ideas to solve the problems in the process of development. In the “rule” at the same time, we must improve and perfect laws, regulations and rules and standards, regulate non-coal mine safety day-to-day management and supervision; establishment of non-coal mine major hazard monitoring and major accident
企业的核心企业资源规划系统(ERP)上都运行着多种关键业务应用,跨平台迁移核心ERP系统则是大多数IT技术团队的工作.结合自身的业务实际情况,Britannia公司的SAP ERP迁移工作
2003年9月22日~9月29日,根据国务院的部署,国家安全生产监督管理局副局长王德学同志率队对吉林省安全生产工作进行了督查。 这次督查的目的是为了督促检查国务院302号令以及
渔歌唱晚。如今的微山湖上已不再是静悄悄,南来北往如梭的各种船只笛声如歌,歌颂着当年抗日烽火中铁道游击队的事迹,更歌颂着当今太平盛世和人民的幸福安康。 微山湖畔崛起